Saturday, March 18, 2017

Reflective Entry - Activity 7: My interdisciplinary connection map

You know connect with people who have the knowledge that you don't have yet can help and support you, or someone you know get a break through - it's a wonderful experience to witness.

  • Who may you have the interdisciplinary connection with? 
In the next few days I will be meeting with Mental Health professionals, Educational Psychologists and whanau with the student for the first time.  This wrap around service ensures that the student and equally important the whanau in need are helped and supported. It also allows the support services to meet and work collaboratively in the one place at the same time to support the whanau too.
  • How might the joint planning, decision-making, and goal-setting take place? 
A collaborative action plan will be discussed over a few meetings and the what type of action, by whom and when strategies will be discussed and implemented.  Obtaining student and whanau voice will be at the top of the list for clarification, pre-data, post-data, feedback/feed forward alongside data and observation.  Strategies will be put in place to add, monitor, adjust, repeat and evaluate to help the needs of the student and whanau.  Setting smart goals and monitoring and evaluating these will also help gauge how this student and whanau are going over the next few weeks and months.
ACRLog. (2015). A Conceptual Model for Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Retrieved from
American Association of Colleges of Nursing.(2016). Interdisciplinary Education and Practice. Retrieved from
Berg-Weger, M., &. Schneider, F. D. (1998). Interdisciplinary collaboration in social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 34, 97-107. 
HardrĂ©, P. L., Ling, C., Shehab, R. L., Nanny, M. A., Nollert, M. U., Refai, H., ... & Wollega, E. D. (2013). Teachers in an Interdisciplinary Learning Community Engaging, Integrating, and Strengthening K-12 Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(5), 409-425.


  1. Ka mau to wehi! ka tumeke ahau ki to "wheke" me ana waewae katoa, e hono ana ki ou kaupapa katoa!
    Kia ora ra.

  2. Hi Ngaio thanks for your positive blog around Collaborative plans. I'm an RTLB - are you as well? and this process is often very positive for both students and whanau.

  3. Kiaora, You are so right Ngaio in terms of providing wrap around services for and involving whanau and the child.
